One of the best experiences you can have while you’re pregnant with your baby is a 3D – or 4D – ultrasound. With a 3D or 4D ultrasound, you have the perfect opportunity to bond with your unborn baby, since you can see your baby with clearer, detailed images, and, with a 4D ultrasound, you can even see them move and do certain things such as open or close their eyes, wiggle their toes, and yawn. The joy of seeing your baby in such a detailed way is truly remarkable.
But while there will be certain factors beyond your control that can affect your 3D or 4D ultrasound experience, such as the baby’s position and the tissue density, there are some factors which can be under your control so you can have a more successful ultrasound experience. Here are some essential factors to consider when having a 3D or 4D ultrasound.
Choose the right service
Did you know that in many US states, 3D or 4D ultrasound services are not required to have specialists who are medically-trained? Before choosing your ultrasound provider, make sure the technicians have received adequate training and are qualified sonographers. After you have done a local search (you can do so by simply typing ‘3D or 4D ultrasound near me’) and have made a shortlist, contact your prospective providers and ask them whether their sonographers are Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographers. If they are, this means that they are certified and qualified to perform a 3D or 4D ultrasound scan.
Know when to do it
It is also important to choose the right schedule for your ultrasound. Ideally, you should have the scan between 24 weeks and 27 weeks if you want the best images. Don’t wait until after you are 32 weeks before scheduling your 3D or 4D ultrasound, as the fluid may not be at optimum levels and your baby may have already descended further into the pelvis.
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate
Knowing your baby is healthy will put your mind at ease and give you a good nights sleep. It’s very important to be getting regular ultrasounds and you may have already heard how important it is to keep yourself hydrated during your pregnancy – but this is even more crucial if you have scheduled an ultrasound. A week or two before your 3D or 4D ultrasound, you should make it a point to drink as much water as possible, since this will increase the level of amniotic fluid, helping produce clearer pictures. Also, try eating something light (such as a sandwich or a salad) about an hour before your ultrasound appointment, as this can help wake up baby and make them more active. A glass of orange juice or any other fruit juice is also ideal an hour or so before your appointment, as it serves the same purpose of waking up baby. Good luck, and enjoy this great bonding moment!
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