Even if you didn’t know it already, it’s pretty easy to see how living in the countryside might be incredible for your mental health. It’s less concrete blocks, sky-tickling scrapers and asphalt everything, and more green spaces, fields and meadows, all of which are seen to be de-stressing environments that have a super-positive impact on your wellbeing.
But it turns out there maybe somewhere even better to live, or pilgrimage, and that’s the sea. Yup. Living by the sea might be the best place to run away to if you’re searching for better mental well-being. That’s not just us making that up either. That’s what science says.
So, without further ado, here are some pretty irresistible reasons why you might want to pack your car and move to the nearest shoreline right now:
- That Sea Air Is Great For Sleep
According to the world-renowned psychiatrist, Dr Natasha Bijlani, sea air is incredibly good for sleep because it is a lot cleaner and fresher than urban air, which is full of toxins. It has higher levels of oxygen, and that’s great for improving sleep. “The sound of waves can be very soothing to the brain. If you relax, this can help clear the mind, lower stress levels and strengthen your immune system.” Thank you, science.
- You Have The Greatest Gym For Free
Living by the beach means you have the chance to maximise your workout without having to lift any heavy weights, pull on any resistance bands or perform any box jumps. You have it all right there on your doorstep. Running on dry sand, sprinting into the water, bear crawls through the surf – it’s all amazing. But, best of all, you have the chance to swim in the sea, which offers a mental break as well as a boost to your physical health too.
- A Whole New Meaning To Fun Workouts
Living by the beach doesn’t just give you the chance to swim and run in your hunt for better mental wellness. There are so many other activities, all of which will put a smile on your face. Sure, you might want to be a tad careful around speedboats and jet skis, and know some lawyers with extensive experience with personal injury cases, but everything else is fairly idyllic. Sailing, surfing, bouldering, coastal walks, bird watching excursions and so much more.
- The Sea Helps You Destress & Unwind
When people need to escape the humdrum of normal life and forget the real world exists for a little bit, our default setting says we should run off on a beach holiday. This is because the coast is almost always associated with feeling relaxed, calm and rested. It’s being able to take in a deep breath of fresh oxygen as you soak in the endless ocean in front of you, all of which helps put things into perspective.
- Prefrontal Cortex Is Engaged
Yup. This one is super-sciency, but the area of your brain associated with emotion and self-reflection (to name but a few) has been proved to engage when your brain hears ocean sounds dancing on the air.
Basically: Head to the beach.
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