With access to internet a human necessity and the growing prevalence of consumer relying on the internet for seeking information to make important decisions and purchases, , making money has become easier than ever before! Even if you’re already working, you can run your own blog or an eCommerce website on the side and use it for your own gain however you like.
But what does blogging have to do with making money? What will writing and publishing blogs online do to earn you money? Well, for starters, millions of people are performing billions of searches each day online just seeking information. Whether it is to make a decision about the new car or just to shave off an hour reading or watching an entertaining piece, people are searching for information. Hence, writing is an excellent way to put your passion for writing to good use and earn money off of it! Everyone’s doing it, you should give it a try as well.
Making money online
Blogging is an excellent way to make 3000 a month online. Even if you’re a beginner, you’ll be guaranteed to earning a great deal and if you work hard enough and know all the ins and outs to follow then you can be like Ewdison Then or Gina Trapani, two of the top earning bloggers. However, just like every kind of work, even blogging requires you to follow some guidelines to ensure you reap all the benefits. Here are a few tips to make money by blogging for beginners:
· Focus on the topic as well as content
While this may not come as a surprise to you but you should make sure exactly what you’re going to be writing about. Remember, the more passionate you are about what you write, the more people will want to read your work. Apart from the topic, one more key feature that leads to a good income via blogs is to add content that would be beneficial for the reader. For example, try out tips and tricks or share your experiences, these often attract more people to reading what you have to say. Remember, the more traffic you have, the more you’re likely to earn.
Also remember to be consistent in your postings. Don’t put off your readers for days or even months at a time, they need to be aware that you are up, active and prioritize them.
· Advertising and Marketing
If no one knows about your blog, then there’s a high chance you won’t get traffic directed towards it. That’s why it’s crucial to advertise your blog either through advertising tools (like PPC marketing) or via organically through social media and regularly creating valuable content for your audience.
· Know your audience
While your content should reflect you, you also have to know what your readers will need. Remember, blogging is a two way street! That’s why it’s important to interact with your readers and keep your content regarding their interests.
· Be connected
You blog should be unique but you should also be connected with other bloggers so that you can get new ideas and be open to different writing styles as well. Not only that, it also keeps you connected and disperses the feeling of loneliness of being a writer.
There are several other ways you can use blogging to make 3000 a month online but be sure you focus on the aforementioned points first. Remember, blogging is a fun and interactive way to make use of your passions and earn a few bucks along the way. Who knows, before you know it, you might even end up earning in thousands like Kristina Bazan, owner of the personal style blog, Kayture.
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