If you lead a hectic lifestyle and find it difficult to make it to a church service on a regular basis, continue reading to discover 6 tips which will show you how to free up time to attend church on a weekly basis.
How to make time for church in your busy lifestyle:
- Invite your family members and friends to attend church with you
One unique way to make time to attend your local church is to invite your family members or friends to attend church with you. That way you’ll get to spend valuable time with your loved ones, while you attend a local church service.
- Find out whether your local church offers weekday services
Some churches offer weekday services, so if for some reason you’re unable to attend your regular Sunday morning service, you may be able to attend an evening service during the week.
- Create a to-do list every day
One way to keep focused and to avoid procrastinating on a daily basis is to get into the habit of creating a to-do list on a daily basis. Which will ensure that by the time Sunday comes around, that you’ll have free time to attend a church service. As you’ll be on top of all the tasks, which you’ve set yourself for the week.
- Try to go to bed an hour earlier on a Saturday night
If you usually attend church on a Sunday morning, you’ll find it far easier to drag yourself out of bed on Sunday mornings, if you get into the habit of going to bed an hour earlier on Saturday nights. You may even find that you have extra energy on a Sunday morning to complete an early morning workout, such as a run around your neighborhood or a quick trip to the gym before you get ready for church.
- If you live with a partner or your family, get them to help you out with your household chores
If you live with a partner or your family, make sure that they complete their fair share of chores as if you’re not stuck having to clean an entire house by yourself in the weekends, you’ll find it far easier to find a bit of free time to attend church on a Sunday morning. You may even be interested in creating a chore chart, which will show each member of your household what their chores are for the week.
- If you’re a parent, accept help from your family members and friends
If you’re a parent of young school-aged children and find it hard to complete all your weekly tasks before Sunday, it’s well worth accepting help from friends who are willing to host your children for play dates with their own children. Or from your parents who may be able to look after your children, so that you can complete a little extra work on your laptop or get a head start on completing your weekly household chores.
You should find it far easier to free up an hour or two of time to attend church on Sunday mornings if you don’t have a hundred other things to do before the week is over. If you want to be able to enjoy church services that are offered like the ones at Mighty Fortress Church, you should take the advice listed above.
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