The obesity epidemic is becoming worse day by day in North America, according to the latest CNBC News. Currently, the average percentage of obese adults in the U.S. is around 40%. Moreover, recent studies reveal that the Average American Women’s (AAW) clothing size is no longer the 14 and has become 16. This is with an increase of approximately 2.6 inches in the average waist size of womencompared to three yearsback in North America.
According to a Harvard School of Public Health report, apart from genetics, the main reason for increasing obesity rate and its related risks is an unhealthy diet comprising more of sugary beverages and refined big meals and lackof fresh fruits and raw vegetables, collectively known as the traditional Western style meal.
In this post, I will be reviewing threediet plans in detail that are famous for long-term success rate particularly, in North America.
1. Eat Clean Meal Plan
As the name suggests, it typically involves removing all the junk and processed food from your diet and instead focusing more on eating food in their natural state as best as possible. This makesit the one of the best diets that work long term.
- No as such hard and fast rule, one can be totally vegan, a weight lifter, or a yogi and can still eat clean
- This balanced diet approach makes sure that one’s body gets adequate nourishment it needs
- Time-consuming as requires meal preparation
- Requires looking at labels
- Total elimination of highly processed meal
2. Mediterranean Diet
This popular diet that works long term, focuses on gradual weight loss, improved cardiovascular and brain health . Additionally, it is known to reduce the risk of cancer and diabetes. The fundamentals of this diet focus upon eating “real” food comprising all the macronutrients.
- No need to count calories
- No restrictions for taking carbs
- Big bowl of salad and vegetables as starter
- Fats are not forbidden. You can have extra virgin olive oil, avocadoes, and nuts.
- You can have dairy in moderation
- Exact quantities are not mentioned which can be confusing as diet only suggests” low” to “moderate intake” or “often” consumption of variety of foods
- Wine is allowed which can be very risky for the patients with pancreatitis or increased levels of triglycerides
3. Weight Watchers Diet Plan
This long term diet works by encouraging one to havebalanced diet by motivating and challenging them through its unique point system.
- You can eat anything at anytime. No fixed meal plan.
- A simplified version of calorie counting
- You can eat more if you go for foods with lesser SmartPoints such as, fruits and vegetables
- You cannot eat exceed the SmartPoints assigned for the day
- You can feel hungry whole day if you did not plan your servings appropriately
- Costly in long-term
My outlook about the long-term fitness regime:
No matter which diet plan you adopt, keep in mind that there is nothing like “make it all or nothing”, that is one should alwaysfind ways to work social situations. Failing to eat right once should not make you binge the whole weekend.
Mostly, it is said that “abs are made in the kitchen or it is 70% diet and 30% gym”, however, I believe it is your 100% dedication towards both, diet as well as the gym. Thus, eat right and then workout to kill off those extra calories.
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