Every dog owner wants what is best for their dog. But sometimes, it can be tough to decide what actually is best for them. From food to their routine and everything in between, you want to choose things that can enhance your dog’s life and help them be the best member of the family they can be.
This is also the case when it comes to dog training. Every dog is going to need some level of training, so the choice is really how you want to go about it. A new dog training device caught my eye online, and I wanted to review it.
BarxBuddy is a handy little gadget that allows you to train your dog with ease right in your own home. Here’s my 2020 BarxBuddy product review, and my thoughts on the device.
How does BarxBuddy work?
BarxBuddy is small, portable, and very simple to use. It has a button on it, and when you press it, the device emits a high-pitched noise which humans can’t hear.
The sound isn’t harmful to dogs, but the idea is that it gets their attention. BarxBuddy is designed to be used when your dog is acting out, misbehaving, or exhibiting any behavior you’re looking to train them away from.
For example, BarxBuddy is really handy to help tackle problems like excessive barking, because it can be difficult to train your dog if they’re not paying attention.
How do you use BarxBuddy?
When your dog is acting out, you grab your BarxBuddy and press the button to emit the tone. That should be enough to get your dog’s attention and interrupt their behavior, but if it’s not, there’s also an LED light on the device to help.
Once you have your dog’s attention, you have an opportunity to train them. The makers behind BarxBuddy suggest having your dog sit calmly for a few seconds, before praising them or giving them a treat.
From the obvious language barriers to the distractions that pop up every single day, training your pet can easily become inconsistent, negative, and easy to give up on.
Check out these 4 common dog training issues and reasons why you need Barx Buddy. 🐶https://t.co/a98smhT9rj pic.twitter.com/yhmwnTvgP6
— BarxBuddy (@BarxBuddy) July 13, 2020
What are the perks of the BarxBuddy dog training device?
BarxBuddy has a few perks which make it stand out as a training tool. Firstly, it’s small and portable, which means you can easily take it on walks, keep them in multiple places around the house, and easily take it along for trips in the car. The idea is that you always have one nearby, so you’re ready whenever a training opportunity presents itself.
BarxBuddy is also great because it allows you, the owner, to be 100% in control of the training, unlike outside classes and courses. This means everyone in your house can easily use BarxBuddy as well, to help enforce the training and make it consistent across the board.
BarxBuddy is a humane training solution, unlike other devices out there, such as shock and prong collars. The high-frequency sound is specifically designed to target a dog’s hearing, meaning its’ designed to be effective.
And lastly, BaxBuddy is actually multi-functional. If you ever encounter misbehaving dogs while you’re out in your neighborhood, you can actually use BarxBuddy as a defensive device, to help distract them as well.
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