Stage fright is a very common but quite inconvenient condition that many students face. It is caused when the brain is triggered into the fight or flight mode at the onset of a condition which the brain perceives as a threat, namely the impending performance. Stage fright hampers the student’s performance by making him or her terrified, freeze, or even have a break down. Here are some tips on how to overcome it.
Try to block out negative thoughts
You need to remind yourself that it is going to be okay and the worst-case scenario isn’t even that deplorable, after all! A lot of it can be easily overcome, simply if you can convince yourself that nothing is going to go wrong. The biggest hindrance to a good presentation is nothing but your own negative thoughts and fears.
Practice in front of a mirror
Practice your presentation by reading it out loud in front of a mirror. This helps you smooth over any flaws and point out the weak points. As you keep practicing this way, your performance will improve, and you will start gaining confidence. On the day of the presentation, imagine that you are talking to the mirror instead of the crowd and things will go smoothly.
Do some breathing exercises
Remember to keep breathing, before, as well as through the presentation. Before you start your presentation, do some light breathing exercises to calm your mind. Count your breaths and recapitulate the lines you are about to present. While delivering the presentation too, keep breathing at regular intervals. If necessary, pause for breaths. This will help you compose your thoughts better. You could even practice your breathing on a regular basis by practicing meditation and yoga. This will help you become more in tune with your body and thoughts.
Focus on the goal
Your goal is to get through the entire presentation simply without having a breakdown. Do not think about how good or bad it might go. Just focus on presenting the entire thing. Your presentation will deliver your result. Therefore, instead of worrying about the impact or reaction of the listeners, simply focus on delivering your presentation without a hitch.
Take a good nap
Take a good nap the night before the big presentation and wake up refreshed. This will help you sort out your mind before the big day. A good sleep is essential before a big day because without one, the brain gets all fuzzy and you tend to get more nervous, stutter or even forget your lines.
Drink a glass of water
Drink a glass of water and empty your bladder before the presentation. This will not only calm your nerves, but also ensure that you do not feel the need to go to the toilet while delivering your presentation. The water also cools down your body which tends to feel heated up and bloated when you are nervous.
Concentrate on each line
While delivering the presentation, concentrate on every single slide, every single line without thinking of the next. If necessary, you can take some medicine like Modalert to help you build your concentration. All you have to do is to get through the first few minutes and the rest of it will automatically flow smoothly.
Image source :- Pharmacer
With a little bit of practice and effort you can easily overcome your stage fright and deliver your presentation with confidence.
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