Thousands of thousands of years ago, sitting around a fire conversing, telling stories and connecting with other people was a vital part of the evolution that made us who we are today. While those days may be far behind us, that cultural connection linking all of us is still there and you can feel it whenever you sit around a fire with your friends and family today. Whether you’re having a family BBQ or enjoying a beer with friends, sitting around a fire pit in your garden is one of life’s small pleasures. If you’re not sure if your outdoor space needs a fire feature, we’ve got some top reasons why it could be transformative.
Social time
When the sun starts to set or the stars are in the sky, there’s nothing quite like sitting around a fire pit with your friends, family or both. Connecting with each other away from the blue screens of modern life is an important part of socialising and a fire pit adds yet more depth to those memorable chats. If you want to make the most of your outdoor fire feature, we recommend using some super comfortable blankets, chairs and pillows. Not only will you and your guests feel super comfortable, but you’ll also be able to sit by the fire well into the evening. When you spot the stars and moon shining, there’s no better place to be than around a fire with those who mean the most to you.
We all know that fire pits are an absolutely fantastic social space, but your fire feature isn’t just great for spending time with your loved ones. We all have those evenings when you just need to spend some time alone with yourself to clear and refresh your mind. In those times, a fire pit is also super handy. Take out or set up your personal favourite chair, easily light up your fire pit using kindling and logs and use some much-needed alone time to think in front of the fire. Whether it’s been a difficult day at work or you’re mulling over some big life changes, a fire can help you relax and think clearly. Want to makeup things even more comfy? Why not bring a book out with you, as well as pillows and blankets. It’s the perfect setting for a cosy night out!
All seasons
Everybody has been in the situation of making the garden look gorgeous when Summer comes around before the freeze of Winter ruins all your hard work. When you have a fire pit, your garden is transformed during those colder months and you finally have an excuse to spend some time outside. While it may be tough to light a fire during the cold season, natural wood wool lighters are a perfect choice, helping you to light quicker and the fire to last longer. When the set-up is complete with some comfy blankets and chairs, your neighbours will undoubtedly be knocking on the door asking for a few moments by the fire.
Committed to building a fire pit outdoors? Homefire provides the highest quality firewood and kindling, which are also super sustainable. Check out their collection today.
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