If you’re hoping to improve the current appearance of your teeth and restore your smile, look no further than Invisalign in Bromley.
This orthodontic dental solution helps to straighten and correct misaligned teeth and has proven to deliver incredible results for all kinds of patients. If you have crooked teeth that you have longed to straighten, consider Invisalign as your dental solution of choice.
If you find that you struggle with gaining access to your teeth when brushing due to overlapping or other types of misalignment Invisalign is able to assist. It can also help to boost your confidence and make your goals a reality.
Patients can experience plaque build-up as a result of overcrowded teeth
Did you know that one of the main reasons cavities or plaque build-up occurs is a result of your teeth overcrowding and not being able to clean them thoroughly. This could also result in a patient experiencing an increase in tartar and being at risk of infection. In addition, you could become more susceptible to having gum disease. Invisalign not only helps to straighten your teeth, but it can also help with adding more space between your teeth so that you can enjoy brushing with ease.
Restore your smile with the help of clear aligner trays
Invisalign involves the patient wearing custom-made aligner trays that are fitted onto their teeth and can be easily removed by them each day. The aligners gently move your teeth to correct any misalignment or overlapping helping to create a healthy smile. If you’re considering your dental options for teeth straightening, consider Invisalign to help with your smile journey.
Invisalign can help restore your ability to eat a variety of foods
Did you know that thanks to these aligners patients are able to enjoy a variety of food and drink without having to worry about any restrictions. It also will help with your ability to chew and the strength of your bite as teeth crowding can reduce your bite force.
Wear your aligner trays for just 20 hours a day
One of the leading advantages of choosing Invisalign aligners is that they can be removed periodically for a short period of time each day. Unlike traditional metal braces which are permanently fixed to the patient’s teeth, Invisalign can be removed by the patient each day. The recommended treatment time every day is around 20 hours in order to enjoy optimal results at the end of your treatment plan. This advantage allows patients to enjoy the freedom of having food and drink without wearing aligners, as well as being able to brush their teeth unhindered.
Boost your self-confidence levels with a healthy, happy smile
For those patients who feel self-conscious about having crooked or misaligned teeth, Invisalign aligners offer a great way to restore their smile. Do you try to avoid social interaction at work with colleagues or being around family and friends due to being embarrassed about the appearance of your smile? Invisalign can help straighten your teeth so you can enjoy renewed levels of self-confidence while smiling broadly.
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