Cannabidiol, better known by its initials, CBD, is a cannabinoid, a chemical compound contained in the marijuana plant (Cannabis sativa). CBD is the second most abundant of over a hundred cannabinoid compounds found in cannabis, the most abundant and most famous being THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), which is responsible for the sensation of being high that is most times linked to the marijuana plant. Unlike THC, CBD is not psychoactive. As a result, CBD is readily available at Just CDB and in most parts of the U.S and is a popular natural remedy for pain and other symptoms without the accompanying hallucinatory attributes that marijuana and other pharmaceutical drugs come with.
CBD can be used by most people and is safe to be used by children. CBD also contributes to performance and recovery in athletes in many ways.
It Can Relieve Pain
Every person who aspires to the title of an athlete, be it professional or amateur, is no stranger to pain. Torn muscles, sprained ankles, fractured bones, or body aches are but a few of the myriad of pains that an athlete may suffer in the course of his/her career. Pain, if not managed, will impair recovery, and lengthen the stay in the infirmary. CBD has proven to be a natural remedy for pain, greatly reducing sciatic nerve pain and inflammation.
Reduces Anxiety and Depression
It is reported that one in five people suffer from mental illnesses. Athletes, while exceptional in the field, are not an exception to this statistic. The World Health Organization describes depression as the most significant contributor to disability worldwide.
Injuries, lifestyle choices, perfectionism, overexertion, and the fear of failure are some causes of stress, anxiety, and depression in athletes. It goes without saying that a depressed athlete will perform poorly. CBD is a natural treatment for depression and anxiety.
Could Benefit Heart Health
A healthy heart is crucial to everyday living; this is even truer for athletes as the nature of their profession requires that their hearts be in top condition; else, they perform below expectations. Research has associated CBD with benefits for heart and circulatory systems, as well as lowering blood pressure.
Substance Abuse Treatment
Athletes of both sexes have been known to abuse substances, either for improved performance or as a way to handle stress. Athletes in whose systems drugs have been found, will without fail be banned from participating in events. In this respect, CBD contributes to the performance and recovery, first by being an alternative to reduce depression and anxiety, without being psychoactive. Secondly, it has been demonstrated that CBD can modify brain-related drug addiction, as well as minimize heroin and morphine dependence.
Athletes are encouraged to learn about just CBD’s line of products for improved heart conditions, reduced anxiety, and depression. Athletes, or persons in professions (law enforcement, firefighters) with conditions closely resembling those found in athletics, will find Cannabidiol to be greatly beneficial.
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