Antioxidants have attracted significant attention in recent times, thanks to the many health benefits they provide. To ensure you can incorporate sufficient levels into your diet, we introduce you to five fruits and vegetables that are naturally high in antioxidants.
Antioxidants: What are they?
Antioxidants are compounds found in foods that are also produced by your body. Their role is to defend your body from free radicals – molecules that can lead to serious illnesses like cancer. Antioxidants also protect your DNA and other important cell structures in your body.
Why are antioxidants so beneficial?
Chronic oxidative stress occurs when free radicals accumulate in your body, which can lead to a range of issues including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. One of the best ways to protect yourself from free radicals is to follow a diet that is rich in antioxidants.
Scientists are able to discern the antioxidant level of foods by conducting what is known as a FRAP (ferric reducing ability of plasma) test. Essentially, the higher the FRAP value of a certain food, the more antioxidants it contains.
The best fruits and vegetables to boost your antioxidant intake
Blueberries are packed with nutrients and have a FRAP rating of 9.2mmol of antioxidants per 100g serving. Specifically, blueberries help to limit the decline of brain functioning that occurs as you get older.
One type of antioxidant in blueberries – anthocyanin – is known to reduce the risk of developing heart disease, and lowers blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels. Cheek out Love Struck’s Blueberry Thrill to get more of these super berries in your diet.
Undoubtedly one of the most popular (and delicious) berries on the planet are strawberries. They’re a natural source of Vitamin C and contain various antioxidants. Their FRAP Score is 5.4mmol of antioxidant per 100 grams.
Like blueberries, strawberries also contain anthocyanin, offering protection from heart disease. Various studies have found that regularly taking an anthocyanin supplement can reduce LDL cholesterol among those with heart disease. Love Struck’s Strawberry Split is certainly one for you to try!
Tangy, sweet and high in fibre, raspberries are the third berry to consider. They boast a FRAP rating of 4mmol per 100g and also serve as a great source of manganese and Vitamin C.
A study conducted in a test tube discovered that the antioxidants within raspberries killed 90% of colon, stomach, and breast cancer cells present in the sample. Black raspberries have also been shown to suppress the effects of various other cancers. Love Struck’s Berry-Go-Round is the perfect choice if you’re hoping to experience the benefits of these tangy berries.
A member of the Brassicas family, kale is a cruciferous vegetable that has become exceedingly popular in recent times. It’s closely related to cauliflower and broccoli, and kale is widely regarded as one of the most nutritious greens on the planet.
Its antioxidant level is 2.7mmol per 100g and its also a rich source of calcium, as well as Vitamins A, K, and C. If you’re looking for something a little higher in antioxidants, red varieties of kale are known to contain as much as 4.1mmol per 100g. Love Struck’s Kale Kick brings this cruciferous veggie to life!
Last but not least, beetroot is another veggie that is rich in antioxidants, while serving as an excellent source of iron, potassium, fibre, and folate. Beets contain up to 1.7mmol of antioxidants per 100g, with a particularly high concentration of betalains.
Studies have found that beetroot lowers the risk of cancer and improves the health of the digestive tract. They’re also rich in compounds that might help suppress inflammation. Although they taste a little earthy on their own, Love Struck’s Dr Beet is super sweet thanks to the addition of mango, carrot, and apple juice!
If you’re hoping to improve your health and wellbeing, consider incorporating more of the above antioxidants into your daily diet and you will begin to see the benefits!
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