What Are Some Of The Features On GDW’s Premium Menu?
There are plenty of places to get medical cannabis in California, so why choose Green Door West? Green Door West offers convenient cannabis edibles delivery, but that is not all. Green Door West products are thoroughly enjoyable, both the edible products and the topical ones. The products are made from organic, vegan ingredients. Green Door West keeps track of the ingredients from seed to table. These are just some of the items you can find on the Green Door West premium menu:
Tinctures and Topical Cannabis Products
Not all of Green Door West’s Products can be eaten or smoked. Some of them are exclusively for therapeutic purposes, without any of the fun typically associated with eating or smoking cannabis. For example, Elite CBD tincture contains almost no THC, which means that it is suitable for use on children. People use it to treat anxiety, depression, and seizures. It contains CBD plus essential oils of cinnamon and myrrh.
Whoopi and Maya rub is one of the most popular topical items on the Green Door West site. Whoopi and Maya is a brand of topical cannabis concoctions made especially for women.
Sweet Treats
Green Door West offers a big selection of edibles to suit all tastes. The edibles are vegan and gluten free, so they appeal to the health-conscious consumer. Some of them are also made with a sweet tooth in mind. For example, Bright Blooms are fruit and herb flavored gelee candies. They are designed for a sophisticated palate, but once the munchies set in, they will make everything taste good. Chocolate lovers will enjoy Toasted Rooster chocolate bars. They are made of 70 percent cacao, plus sea salt and spices.
The Green Door West premium menu has something for every cannabis lover.